Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself"

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."                                                                                            ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

The phrase "nothing to fear but fear itself" is derived from Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inaugural address. If we look back at history, Americans had every reason to be afraid at this point in time. This speech was given on March 4, 1933, which was in the heat of the Great Depression. Many found themselves homeless and unemployed. Life for a massive number of people seemed hopeless. The quote "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" would have seemed like an insensitive thing to be told at the time but there truly is some truth to this quote. I know in my life I often get all worked up over things that cause me great fear! Things that may or may not occur. Statistically my fears rarely develop into anything more than fear or worry.  My fears are typically unjustified and I tend to retreat in panic and anxiety. The problem is, the worry and fear cause distress and drive me to focus on my fears rather than my faith. I am quick to say that I believe and love a mighty and wonderful God, but I am also the person that is often fearful of the "what ifs" and quick to become consumed with negativity. I do not consider myself a negative person; however, if I read or watch material containing negative stories, I let it drive my fear. If I read a story about someone experiencing health issues, I become worried that I may at some point be in a similar situation. It is not that I wish these events on others but that I am faced with my own mortality. As Christians, we are told not to fear death but as humans, this is a major fear!

This year I have experienced health issues for the last six months. Many times I did not know what my future held and the fear has been exhausting. I was not given a terrible diagnosis, as so many people are given. For that I am so blessed and I do not mean to make my situation sound as though it was the mountain that so many are climbing right now. My respect for those facing these situations is more than words can express! What I have learned through my experience is that many times in life when face the unknown or a challenging situation, the greatest thing we have to fear is fear itself. So often things turn out great and we spend so much precious time worried about the unknown or the "fear". My prayer for you and for myself is that we can focus on the good things in our lives and the blessings we have been given. By doing this, our focus is on our faith and thankfulness instead of our fears. May God be always with you and give you peace and faith in all the challenges of life!

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