Friday, April 24, 2015

Why another blog about Anxiety????

Anxiety is a word that is highly overused. Many people often say "I am so anxious to go on my vacation", "I have anxiety about the test I have coming up", "I am anxious for my wedding day", "I am so anxious about all the things I have to do today". If you stop and think about the times you have used the term "anxiety", it may have had many varying connotations. I have always been quick to throw the term in a description of how I felt on a day that was overwhelming. It was not until one particular day that I would use the term "anxiety" in a totally new connotation...the day I experienced my first anxiety attack! I thought I was kidding! My heart started racing, I felt light-headed and nauseous, and I began sweating like crazy! I seriously though "Ok Lord, this is it. I am about to die!". Thankfully dying that day was not in His plan for me but I am learning that once you experience anxiety is not easy to get over! That is the reason for the creation of this blog. I know that I am not the only lady out there reading this battling with anxiety! It can be a difficult battle to fight and I have found that it is hard to describe to people what goes on...much less get them to understand. I have been told to "relax" and that I just need to go get a massage or something. Ladies, I am all about pampering but there are only so many massages you can get in a day! The best medicine I have found for my anxiety is the Word of God and talking to my sisters in Christ that battle this same giant! I have prayed during all of this that God would draw me close to my Godly sisters and that we would lean on His promise from Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them". I can testify that through my battle with anxiety, my Father has never left me nor forsaken me and it is because of His strength I face my fears daily! My desire if for this blog to serve as an outlet and a meeting place for us to gather together and know that no one is alone! We may not know one another and we will likely live many miles apart but as sisters in Christ we are never far apart and our prayers for one another will be heard by our might God!!! May God bless and keep us all through our journeys!

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