Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Confessions of a Control Freak

I am a control freak, I fully admit it! I want to be the one driving the car, flying the plane, packing the bags, preparing the meals...you get the idea! I am the poster child for someone that only feels truly safe when she is in control. The irony of this all is that I am in control of very little in life. Initially this thought scared me....like immense fear kind of scare. Then I realized, I am incredibly blessed that I am in control of very little because my Heavenly Father is in control of EVERYTHING!!! What a wonderful reassurance! God has all the information. He sees the whole puzzle and He has promised that He knows the plan he has for us, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". I can't tell you what is going to happen in the next five minutes, much less further down the road! You wouldn't go want to be in an airplane flown by a pilot that only knew a few of the controls would you? Especially to someone who is a control freak, it only makes sense to have all the information and all the pieces needed to guide. This is when I realized that I am not the one in control. I do not have all the information and the perspective of my Heavenly Father. Of course my goal is to become more like Him everyday but my job is to look to Him for the guidance needed and to thank Him for His control over my life!

 When things happen that are out of our control, it seems to throw our world into chaos! Those of us that give ourselves credit for the planning of our days and meeting demands successfully are left wondering what to do! And in the midst of not knowing what to do, sometimes we don't even know what to pray. The beautiful thing is that we serve a God that knows our hearts, even when we don't have the words. Praise the Lord, He fights for us and is with us now and forevermore!  That give courage to even the most anxious of hearts! May the Lord be with you!